Why subscribe to Sartorial Bamboo Socks ?
We offer Sartorial Style Socks on a subscription basis. But wait, is it random? No, it is sartorial style socks and not some funky socks that you cannot match! It is the "Surprise me and not Surprising element"!!
What is Sartorial style Socks? It is just like those on this website. Cool yet never out of style to match your timeless style. You can choose from a "random yet not so random" one month subscription and we hope that you will come back and subscribe with us for up to 6 months!!
You might be asking: Isnt it bad for environment for having so many socks? We got you covered. We only offer bamboo fibre socks. Which means that is biogdegrable and sustainable. It also offers sustainable resource as compared to other materials as it is easily grown and require little pesticide and because it is natural, it is biodegradable. " Bamboo textiles present many solutions to the present unsustainable nature of textile engineering".
It is not perfect but offers a way to the future.
Do you know what bamboo socks also found to have moisture wicking quality.
It is also found to have antimicrobial properties. " the majority of the specimens from bamboo plant species and NBFs showed a quantifiable percentage reduction of bacteria"
What are you waiting for? Get your monthly fix of sartorial socks that are sustainable, biodegradable, dry and anti-microbial today!!